Since then, our passion and our work, pioneers in the Latin American type design scene, have become widely known and appreciated for their quality and originality.
We love to design new letterforms for all uses, substrates and contexts: typefaces for immersive and comfortable-to-read texts, typefaces for short, striking phrases to display logos and slogans. We love all typographic expressions from singles monograms and lettering pieces up to comprehensive type systems that address several needs. We can perform standard and custom extensions for full Latin, full Cyrillic, full Greek, complete Arabic and other writing systems. We can make custom adaptations of our own fonts catalogue and we can design bespoke typefaces to meet specific briefs.
We build type with great care keeping in mind that typography plays a significant role in human culture and in global communication today. What matters has to be said in sharp, beautiful letterforms, with clear intent.
Our fonts are carefully handcrafted. We pay close attention to detail so that characters look good both in print and on screen. Spacing and kerning are done by hand following visual strategies rather than mathematical methods. That’s why, rather than looking mechanical, our typefaces build an organic rhythm, aiming to create a pleasant atmosphere and comfortable reading.
Each new typeface design is an opportunity to stimulate readers in a new and unique way.
Please contact us. We look forward to hearing about your project.
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