
Hacer y Componer. Una introducción a la tipografía

This is a fundamental book for those who love letterforms, no matter its nature, typographical, calligraphic, lettering. Finely printed and carefully designed and illustrated by the author, this second work by Francisco Gálvez is essential.

From the backcover: “Las letras están en todas partes, pero pocas veces reparamos en sus formas o en la complejidad que ocultan. Este libro es la puerta de entrada al fascinante mundo de la tipografía y su lectura permite entender el alcance y variedad de las letras, el desafío creativo para hacerlas y la magia de componerlas en un texto.”

This book has sold out. We look forward to its reprint. Stay tuned.

Read the book review by José Luis Martín Montesinos [in Spanish]

Author Francisco Gálvez Pizarro
Designed & illustrated by the author
Publisher Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile
Binding Soft cover
Language Spanish
Pages 328
Size 15 × 21 cm
Interior Paper Light natural color 80 grs/cm2
Cover Paper Mohawk Strathmore writing card stock, Bright White 238 grs/cm2
ISBN 978-956-142-245-2

[Photos of book by Omar Faúndez, Santiago de Chile]