Francisco Gálvez Pizarro

Francisco Gálvez Pizarro

Francisco Gálvez Pizarro is a Chilean graphic designer and self-taught type designer. He teaches at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and is the author of the book Hacer y componer, una introducción a la tipografía, a broadly read title in the Spanish speaking world. His typeface Australis was awarded the Gold Medal at Morisawa, Tokyo, 2002. His typeface Otta was selected at the Modern Cyrillic, 2019. His typefaces Amster and Chercán are both Typographica favorites of 2014 and 2016. Together with Rodrigo Ramírez, Francisco created bespoke fonts for national newspapers, the public transport system and the motorway signs in Chile.

April 23, 2019

The Typographic Vault. An invitation to contemplate a constellation of typefaces

Francisco Gálvez presents to us his daring reattempt at a type categorization, a much broader and versatile one, more suitable to our times. The author rethinks the values of preceding …

June 01, 2015

Between woodcut miniatures and typefaces for books? The Amster type

The design of the Amster type family implied a process of creation and maturing of seven years. In this article Francisco Gálvez, its designer, gives us some of his various insights around that …