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Roberto Bolaño Ávalos (1953-2003)
Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher
Erişteli yoğurt çorbası
Metodę naukową
December 31, 1975
Les Fleurs du mal
El abismo iletrado de unos sonidos
A text typeface of delicate spiciness
Berenjena has the right combination of comfort in reading and a lyric spirit. This helps keep readers in the delicate atmosphere in which novels and tales can display all their charm. Most typefaces created for books cannot reach this. Either they are too expressive so they tire the eyes of the reader, or they are dull and reading becomes a tedious task. Berenjena will give your design a very individual character. It wears captivating details of calligraphic poetry which link subtlety to vernacular sign painting from Santiago de Chile. Berenjena was designed for text use bearing in mind this concept of subtle balance. Berenjena (Spanish for aubergine or eggplant) gives your text that spicy environment in which words shapes are easy to read while letterforms maintain their capricious feeling. It comes in roman and cursive declined in four weights: Blanca, Fina, Gris, Negra.
Designed by Javier Quintana Godoy
© 2014
Language coverage
Latin extended
Characters per font
Berenjena 1245
Berenjena Itálica 1450
Berenjena Blanca
Berenjena Blanca Itálica
Berenjena Fina
Berenjena Fina Itálica
Berenjena Gris
Berenjena Gris Itálica
Berenjena Negra
Berenjena Negra Itálica
Features & Specials

Swash caps

Small caps

all smal caps

Case sensitive forms


Discretionary ligatures

Long s

extended currencies

slashed zero

Oldstyle figures

Small caps figures

Lining figures

Tab oldstyle figures

Tabular sc figures

Tabular lining figures



Extended fractions

BUY Berenjena
Berenjena complete family [ 8 fonts / Latin extended ]
Berenjena Blanca, Berenjena Blanca Itálica, Berenjena Fina, Berenjena Fina Itálica, Berenjena Gris, Berenjena Gris Itálica, Berenjena Negra, Berenjena Negra Itálica.
Berenjena core styles [ 4 fonts / Latin extended ]
Berenjena Fina, Berenjena Fina Itálica, Berenjena Negra, Berenjena Negra Itálica.
Individual styles
Berenjena Blanca
Berenjena Blanca Itálica
Berenjena Fina
Berenjena Fina Itálica
Berenjena Gris
Berenjena Gris Itálica
Berenjena Negra
Berenjena Negra Itálica