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Estrecho de Magallanes
Para Ángeles y Gorriones (1953-1956)
El Árbol del Olvido
Rolando Cárdenas & Braulio Arenas
dispassionate begging
shaven roughhouse picking
Los duendes de la noche
Mario Santiago Papasquiaro
Adiós Corazón Amante
La Belleza de Pensar
A text typeface of delicate spiciness
Berenjena has the right combination of comfort in reading and a lyric spirit. This helps keep readers in the delicate atmosphere in which novels and tales can display all their charm. Mo typefaces created for books cannot reach this. Either they are too expressive so they tire the eyes of the reader, or they are dull and reading becomes a tedious task.

Berenjena will give your design a very individual chara er. It wears captivating details of calligraphic poetry which link subtlety to vernacular sign painting from Santiago de Chile. Berenjena was designed for text use bearing in mind this concept of subtle balance. Berenjena (Spanish for aubergine or eggplant) gives your text that spicy environment in which words shapes are easy to read while letterforms maintain their capricious feeling. It comes in roman and cursive declined in four weights: Blanca, Fina, Gris, Negra.
Designed to balance readability & elegance

All Berenjena chara er sets include extensive diacritics coverage for more than 200 languages plus the usual contextual features. The Berenjena Pro fonts include smalls caps, elegant ligatures, cute swashes, every kind of gures, and all contextual sorts.
Perec Lunatique
Designed by Javier Quintana Godoy in Santiago de Chile © 2007-2014 Carrefully reviewed and comented by Alejandro Lo Celso.
Text & Display performance, Serif, Expressive, Brush
Lenguaje Coverage
Latin Plus
Character per font:
Berenjena Pro 1245
Berenjena Itálica Pro 1450
Berenjena Std 690
Berenjena Itálica std 678