Teresita Schultz de Carabobo

Teresita Schultz de Carabobo

Teresita Schultz de Carabobo is an Argentine renown enthomologist. In leisure moments she passionately devotes herself to the criticism of the typographic arts. Her texts distill a slightly acrid humor, perhaps due to her great fondness for tasting teas.

February 02, 2021

With hollow feet and harlequin hats: Tuscan letters, a prank of lapidary origin? (Second part)

Second and final installment of Tere Schultz’s text on Tuscan letters. Those decorative objects, delicate or extravagant, that inhabit the streets and typographic catalogues of all times, without l…

January 24, 2021

With hollow feet and harlequin hats: Tuscan letters, a prank of lapidary origin? (First part)

Tere Schultz delivers a new literary and typographic divertimento for passionate readers. This time she follows one of her personal fixations: the Tuscan letters. Those ornamental objects, delicate…

October 04, 2018

Amster y sus glifos voladores: intentos desesperados (y todos fallidos) por explicarlos

El presente texto, una crítica a la tipografía Amster de Francisco Gálvez, constituía el prólogo que la autora hiciera para una pequeña pero poderosa publicación que aun no ha visto la luz. Hasta tanto …