Articles tagged under “Type anatomy”
  • November 24, 2023 — Written by Alejandro Lo Celso

    Mango & dark chocolate. Designing a script font to match a grotesque?

  • March 08, 2023 — Written by Alejandro Lo Celso

    Perec 2.0: our multi-faceted, unclassifiable and versatile sans serif typeface, now extended

  • July 28, 2022 — Written by Francis Ramel

    The design of Carolinéale, a humanist sanserif inspired by medieval chant books

  • February 02, 2021 — Written by Teresita Schultz de Carabobo

    With hollow feet and harlequin hats: Tuscan letters, a prank of lapidary origin? (Second part)

  • January 24, 2021 — Written by Teresita Schultz de Carabobo

    With hollow feet and harlequin hats: Tuscan letters, a prank of lapidary origin? (First part)

  • April 23, 2019 — Written by Francisco Gálvez Pizarro

    The Typographic Vault. An invitation to contemplate a constellation of typefaces

  • May 01, 2018 — Written by Alejandro Lo Celso

    Reforma. A new voice for an institution with deep roots

  • January 19, 2017 — Written by PampaType Team

    Margarita 2.0 released!

  • January 06, 2017 — Written by Alejandro Lo Celso

    La Herencia Europea. Parte II

  • December 05, 2016 — Written by Feike de Jong

    The Briot project. Part I

  • November 23, 2016 — Written by Alejandro Lo Celso

    A discussion on Type Design Revivalism

  • May 19, 2016 — Written by PampaType Team

    Chercán. Finely informal

  • June 01, 2015 — Written by Francisco Gálvez Pizarro

    Between woodcut miniatures and typefaces for books? The Amster type

  • December 25, 2014 — Written by PampaType Team

    Amster. When sharpness meets refinement

  • August 08, 2014 — Written by PampaType Team

    Berenjena. A text typeface of delicate spiciness

  • February 24, 2010 — Written by Alejandro Lo Celso

    Margarita frozen? A passionate typeface to dress up giant words

  • March 27, 2008 — Written by PampaType Team

    Arlt. A type system of 26 fonts

  • December 24, 2004 — Written by Alejandro Lo Celso

    Serial Type Families. From Romulus to Thesis

  • February 02, 2022 — Written by PampaType Team

    Borges. A classic and versatile typeface of literary inspiration

  • January 01, 2002 — Written by PampaType Team

    Quimera. A sanserif ‘avec’!